
Age Strong by Improving Balance and Strength

Age Strong by Improving Balance and Strength

Aging seems to involve an inevitable loss of strength, energy, and vigor. But it need not be so! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests incorporating 150 minutes per week of moderate endurance activity for generally fit Americans aged 65 and older. This may sound like a lot, but the good news is that you can break it down into 10 or 15-minute chunks of exercise two or more times a day.

With utmost care and with the approval of your doctor, Silver Star Home Health Inc., your trusted partner in Senior Care Services in California suggests three safe exercises that allow you to improve balance and strength.

  • Single Limb Stance
    Start with a simple balance exercise called the Single Limb Stance. You can stand behind a steady, solid chair and hold on to the back of it. Lift your right foot and balance on your left foot while holding that position for as long as you can, then switch feet.
  • Wall Push-Ups
    As a reliable provider of physical and occupational therapy services, we suggest doing wall pushups as part of a senior’s strength training. Stand an arm’s length in front of a wall then lean forward slightly and put your palms flat on the wall at the height and width of your shoulders. Of course, keep your feet planted as you slowly bring your body towards the wall and gently pushing yourself back so that your arms are straight.
  • Marching in Place
    Marching is a great balance exercise for aging adults. You can stand straight, lift your right knee as high as you can. You can lift and lower your legs 20 times.

Remember to consult your doctor about having exercise routines. Looking for a reliable Home Health Agency in Los Angeles and Orange County, California? Call 323-522-6971 now!

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